The Story

True Beauty Movement began as a seed in the heart of Amanda, Founder and Director, during her years in grade school. She grew up being bullied for her weight and appearance. The struggles later manifested into a four year battle with an eating disorder. The journey aided Amanda in realizing that beauty is who you are - not what you look like - it's about remarkable character and intentional living. 

In 2011, Amanda acted on the desire placed on her heart and True Beauty Movement became reality. It caught like wild fire. It began as a photo challenge on social media and transformed into a nation-wide campaign. The momentum opened doors with the media, schools and national non-profits.

Today, True Beauty Movement empowers women across the world and has continued partnerships with the National Eating Disorders Association, local schools, and various businesses. In 2016, we celebrate the 5 year anniversary of True Beauty Movement and will be rolling out new ways to get involved and be inspired. 

To describe the future of True Beauty Movement would do the organization a disservice, but what we do know is that the story has only begun.

Want to be part of the next chapter in the True Beauty Movement story? Contact Us